Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Chi

My Chi has officially passed away.

4.5 years with the same one. I never cheated. I occasionally dabbled with hot rollers, but I never, ever, ever cheated. Chi was always there for me; hot at a moment's notice, always faithful.

Dear Chi,
You were G-d's gift to this white girl with a serious fro. May you live an eternal afterlife in a product-free land of curl and frizz.

I will miss you.

UPDATED: 6 weeks later.....

Boy: Why is your hair so crazy like a snake statue?
Me: Medusa?
Me: Because my Chi died. And Mommy has crazy hair without a Chi.
Boy: Can I make you a Chi?
Me: No. They sell them at stores.
Boy: I have money. Can I buy you nice hair?

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