Monday, June 30, 2014

12.5 Seconds

Breakfast was good.

We've weaned off of YouTube (YouTube; simultaneously the salvation and bane of ASD Mom existence) so now during meals he wiggles, wriggles, skips, hops and basically does everything except sit down to eat, but the food gets in him and I can see his eyeballs so it's progress.

I was watching his little YouTube-free eyeballs.

And I saw it.

After a weekend that was mostly filled with denial, punctuated with a couple dozen (okay, a hundred) YouTube videos I had convinced myself that he does not, in fact, have seizures. Petit mal/absence or otherwise.

But I saw it.

Staring at his plate. "Hey Buddy. Can you hear me?"


Then nothing.


Nobody home.

"Hey, Boy. Can you hear me?"


"Gee gee goo goo."


1, 1 thousand.
2, 1 thousand.
12 1 thou....


Hey Buddy.


Shakes head.


"You okay?"


"Momma, you give me too much sugar
And sugar is a headache."

"I just gave you a banana, sweetie."

Wiggle. Wriggle. Skip and hop off the bench.

That did it.

One super-routine EEG coming right up.

"Bring an iPad or something with movies or games to keep him busy."

I can do that. Exceptions to the YouTube ban can be managed if the excuse is good enough and being strapped to a cot with electrodes sticking out of your little AutoBot head is certainly up there with "a good excuse" in my book.

Momma needs some chocolate.
YouTube eyes.

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