Monday, November 10, 2014

When frogs sing.

So my phone was charging in my bedroom today at lunch.

For one thing, we had YouTubed out the battery. Yes, it was one of those thanking-the-Steve-Jobs-of-the-universe kind of mornings.

For another thing... well.... It was lunch. I never need my camera for lunch. Who needs pictures of a half naked or pj-clad 5 year old who alternates between running in circles, being force fed or climbing on the table?

My kid is cute but he's not THAT cute.

So I didn't need my phone.

And then he sat down and ate a whole plate of shrimp scampi and pasta.

And begged for more of "those things."

He loved it so much he tried to eat the tails and learned the difference between edible and non-edible parts which, let's be real, he's still totally learning. (Cue the boy who broke off a piece of tree bark yesterday to eat it.)

So, he did this thing. This huge, insane, ridiculously cool thing.

And I can't prove it.

I'm having flashbacks to the Looney Tunes frog.

"Hello my darlin', hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaa-a-all!"


Yeah. That one.

I'd say there's always a next time but... Really? Ha.

Needless to say I grabbed my phone while I still had a chance, after I reveled in the moment, blew off the potential dietary ramifications and hoped upon hope for one shot of that cute dimpled face shoved full of a new exotic (aka non-pizza) food.

I didn't get one.

Naked boy was already outside.

I did get this one though; naked boy prepping his assault on Momma-Zombie.



P.S. He thinks he's invisible here, so let's not tell him he's not.

And let's not mention the shrimp and pasta while we're at it. And maybe I'll get another shot at proving a frog in a top hat can sing.

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